Βρετανικό δράμα

Queen Elizabeth reprimands Charles. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

The Crown S3: Is the Queen Really Indifferent? #HistoricalDrama #TVClips

Charles asked about Diana. #shorts #thecrown #tv #funny

First Lady slurs Queen #movie #shorts

She doesn't enjoy pleasure. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

The Crown S1: Queen Elizabeth Faces Churchill's Wrath Famous Characters

Charles Jokes About the Queen's Age... 🤭

The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.#shorts #thecrown #history

King Charles & Princess Anne: 'It's time to tell you everything'

He could've been less adult if Diana's still alive. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

She never wants to leave. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

Even the Queen lamented the divorce of Charles and Diana. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

The Queen felt extremely heartbroken about Margaret's behavior.#shorts #thecrown #history

So the Queen shouldn't ask about PM? #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

Countdown clock is ringing, yet she shall never surrender. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

River City cancelled after more than 20 years on screen

King George VI Is Gone – The Throne Is Waiting | The Crown (Claire Foy, Matt Smith, Vanessa Kirby)

The Crown S3: The Etiquette of Meeting the Queen #RoyalFamily #DramaClips

Wilson's late night call for help. #shorts #thecrown #tv #history

Margaret lost her temper at the birthday dinner party!#shorts #thecrown #history

This was the last phone call between Mountbatten and Charles.#shorts #thecrown #history

American vs British English

Everyone was angry about what happened to Margaret.#shorts #thecrown #history

A Lifetime of Original British Drama on the BBC: Trailer